Community Led Village Design Statement Workshop

On 26th June 2023, Connect the Dots hosted and facilitated a community workshop on behalf of the Killiney Village Residents Association (KVRA). The purpose of this workshop was to begin to gather insights from residents on their key concerns and aspirations in relation to the future of Killiney Village. The outcomes of the workshop will feed directly into the KVRA’s development of a Village Design Statement for Killiney Village.

In choosing an appropriate structure and relevant activities for the workshop, Connect the Dots referred to the Community-Led Village Design Statement Toolkit 2012[1], produced by the Heritage Council. This toolkit recommends that a VDS Stakeholder Workshop should be held to identify issues and aspirations of the local community in relation to the future planning, design and management of their village.

Suggested activities include a boundary mapping exercise and questions to define the scope of VDS. Connect the Dots employed a number of activities that both achieved these objectives and kept participants engaged and creatively thinking about the task at hand. Results from initial activities were built upon in the remainder of the workshop to collaboratively identify major themes for further exploration in the development of a Village Design Statement. The details of each of these activities and outcome will be presented to residents via a workshop outcome report in September 2023.

[1] Community-Led Village Design Statement Toolkit 2012, Heritage Council